Kolkata : "Everyone is welcome to stay in the country provided they remain within their limits," was External Affairs Minister Pranab Mukherjee's comment on Saturday on controversial Bangladeshi author Taslima Nasreen's return to New Delhi after a gap of four months.
Mukherjee, who was asked for his comments by journalists, also said as external affairs minister it was not possible for him keep track of such matters.
He was speaking to reporters on the sidelines of an awards presentation ceremony organised by EEPC India.
Nasreen returned to Delhi on Friday and her visa is valid till August 12. She has been requesting for permanent residentship in the country but the government has not taken any decision on the issue.
She had been dramatically bundled out of Kolkata in November last year and left India on March 18 for Sweden after she was kept in safe house in the national capital for more than four months. She is a Swedish passport holder.